I love
the month of June. In fact, aside from my birthday month of October I think
June takes the cake.
I say that now, while my lawn is still two days off
another cut. Usually by the time I’m done mowing it and because I have a big
yard and there’s only one of me, I’m not quite so thrilled on the bursting
green rapid growth that happens in month six.
today I like it.
I am
most in awe of the new green needle tips on all the many branches of the
massive evergreen trees that line my driveway. I am at a loss for how something
so incredibly huge manages to draw in enough energy each year to produce new
green at every finger of its limbs.
It is
perhaps the most promising sign there is for me, that life is driven to carry
on despite the challenges of getting from A to B.
“awe awe” moment was watching a C-130 Hercules with 20,000 pounds of fuel clear
the runway in a heartbeat at the Fort Frances Airport on Sunday afternoon at
the end of a very successful annual Fly-In event.
I felt
like a 10-year old standing there as the reverberation of the four-engine
megalith vibrated in my chest when it raced by all of us lifting off in a roar,
banking sharply around for a low pass over a crowd of thrilled onlookers.
its second such roundabout pass I shot a fist into the air like a trooper,
turned around with a little jig to see my dad standing there with a grin as big
as mine. We looked straight at each other and without words we knew exactly how
each other felt in that exhilarating moment.
Hats off
to members of the Canadian Air Force Squadron 435 for a job well done.
Bugs” are out too—ages one through six—and they love to play with the garden
hose that “Yours Truly” rigged up from a pump at the creek for my weary skeleton
who didn’t want to haul pails to the repeated watering needed for my herb and
flower gardens.
simply, the simplest form of entertainment for children on a hot summer day is
a garden hose. Second is a whack of sidewalk chalk to brighten Granny’s patio
stones and cement steps to the colors of the rainbow.
I forgot to ask my little peppers to remove their shoes before coming inside,
and in so not doing had a pink, blue, green, and yellow chalk trail through the
porch to the kitchen and into the bathroom, where small feet had trickled as
the day wore on.
entertaining scene of all was when “Ozzie” the cat, in his usual display of how
pleased he is with life, ventured outside and laid down on the patio stones and
rolled around in kitty-like fashion.
still kicking myself for not taking a photograph of the cat and his amazing
technicolor dream coat derived from all those lovely chalk drawings.
him lit up like that reminded me of my slightly askew high school days and my
own version of said coat.
looked like a shag rug made into a vest and indeed was a colorful array of long
wool fibers. It was a one of a kind accessory and I’m not even sure where I got
All I
remember is that it was right up there with plucking my eyebrows too thin. The
response from my classmates was not very favorable.
Ozzie looked impeccable in his and still believed that he was king of the hill
even though he looked like a wad of cotton candy from the Emo Fair.
also has reintroduced me to Rainy Lake and just how spectacular it is at sunset
while floating in a boat in Sand Bay.
You to the two good hearts who scooped me up and delivered me to the moment of
power that I’d been talking so much about. Now.
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