Monday, November 14, 2011

My pitching philosophy is simple

Monday, November 14, 2011

I don’t watch baseball, but I do know that a baseball bat is supposed to be used in the game of baseball to hit the ball thrown by the pitcher.

This is an open letter of sorts to the driver and his passenger who used a baseball bat to take out my mailbox at the end of my driveway in the wee hours of the morning on November 9th.
At least five other residents along my country road also woke up to find their mailboxes smashed open or on the ground.

My ex-husband used to say, “It’s much easier to be bad than it is to be good.”
The last thing I want right now is to prove him right.

I challenge you to do better. Many will doubt that you will rise to that challenge. It’s much easier not to, right?

I picked up the pieces of my old, dear-to-my-heart mailbox that morning and carried its shattered little shell back down the driveway. Its day was done.

My mailbox was a bit of an icon in my neck of the woods. My grandfather, the late Joe Drennan, had built it some 25 years ago as a replica of the old red barn on the farm. It was one of the few handmade treasures I had left around here.

Finding it smashed on the ground that morning wasn’t the way I had wanted it to go out. My heart still hurts over that, and that’s the truth of the matter.

So my dilemma was this. Do I put up a new mailbox or forego the ritual of rural mail delivery and rent a post office box in town? Do I defy the vandals and re-group or give in to their spontaneous trickery and eliminate the temptation?

I was a lucky kid. I was raised to believe in the good in people and I have carried that sometimes challenging and often blinding notion throughout my life because not believing that means I lose. And I’m not a loser. I dwell in possibility and doing anything else is not an option.

So up goes a new mailbox. Do I run the risk of witnessing a repeat offence? Chances are pretty good, yes.

Peter DeVries said, “We all learn by experience but some of us have to go to summer school.”
Well then, I guess I’m still in summer school.

I refuse to lose faith in the one who rides in the back of a truck with a baseball bat in his hand and that someday he will choose the harder path and take it to the game instead. This is my hope.

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